
posted on December 17th, 2007 by in Audio


Ok, this one is really old (2006). But hey, I discovered it just two days ago: “Radiodread” (via Stylespion). A one-drop version of Radiohead´s (ye, the group that offered music in the “pay what you want“-way just recently) legendary “OK Computer” album.

It was recorded by the “Easy Star All*Stars” who did something similar a while ago, when they recorded a dub version of Pink Floyd´s “Dark Side of the Moon”. But while the “Dub Side of the Moon” was kind of too slow and too dark from my perspective, I really like what they come up with on “Radiodread”. Esp. “Karma Police” and “Let Down”, two Radiohead-classics, really work with a Reggae flavour. What Toots & The Maytals did to the second could almost be described with “magic”. Pure niceness. The perfect christmas present for your Indie-Pop/-Rock-girlfriend…

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